Commercial recirculating aquaculture(RAS) farms' success depends on providing the optimum aquatic environment for rapid growth at the minimum cost of resources and capital. One of RAS's significant advantages in managing the aquatic environment and critical water quality parameters to optimize fish health and growth rates. Each water quality parameter is essential, but all parameters' aggregate and interrelationship influence the fish's health and growth rate. Each water quality parameter interacts with and influences other parameters, sometimes in complex ways. Concentrations of any one parameter that would be harmless in one situation can be toxic in another(M.B.Timmons & J.M Ebeling, Recirculating Aquaculture Third Edition).
Noras Watertech has a unique system for water quality data tracking, following, and decision making.
Fish raised in the RAS in the RAS facility need different needs in different sizes.RAS operator makes a toxic border for Total Ammonia Nitrogen(TAN), carbon dioxide(CO2), H2S regarding the type/size of fish. The program draws the safest pH range dynamically for aquaculture conditions. In this way, we manage more than one system at the same time. Besides, it allows us to eliminate errors caused by miscalculations. Also, existing systems do not help the RAS operator to make decisions in undesirable conditions.
The program was developed based on the scientifically published deffeyes diagram. Red fields show example user-set limits. The white area in between indicates the safe zone. Blue-star shows where real-time water quality is. Each line on the graph indicates each marked ph value shown above left.
For example, In this case, the user has a toxic ammonia problem.
Temperature = 16 Celcius Degree, Salinity = 2 ppt , TAN : 2 mg/l, and pH 7.5. As a result,
Toxic Ammonia pH Border : 7.4
Toxic Co2 pH Border : 6.96