Noras Watertech was established in 2005 and is 100% own by Noras Group. Noras Watertech specializes in the design and installation of a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) and water treatment management systems. RAS designs and pilot study trials are carried out at the headquarters in Norway. Noras cooperates with local partners to establish RAS farms locally. Currently, Noras Watertech and Noras LT have formed a partnership to establish a RAS farm in Lithuania with an annual fish production capacity of 1500Ton for Arctic charr in Klaipeda. The project is ongoing with phase 2 just completed with a capacity of 300Ton. Phase 3 for grow-out is expected to begin soon.
This fish farm is designed to be energy efficient with a concept where no mechanical water pump is used for the main RAS operations. This RAS uses a custom-made Noras vacuum degassing unit that is used as the degassing, protein skimming, and as circulation pump. The degassing performance is very efficient compared to other conventional options available. The combination of these three (3) features results in much higher energy savings compared to other RAS suppliers. It can be dimensioned after the size of the fish tank. Together with our solid removal technology head losses are eliminated for sufficient flow without the need for a pump. Noras vacuum degassing unit can be used alone or together with other RAS designs with and without a pump. Oxygenation is also optimized with the use of our nanobubble generator where oxygen losses are reduced and to ensure oxygen is available for use by the fish.
The company has also designed and produced its own products which are mainly used for the design of RAS. These products include honeycomb bio-media for the biofilter designs, underwater fish light with a unique light spectrum that is designed to reduce fish stress, reduce fish maturation, and improve fish growth with 40 years of horticultural lighting experience.
Noras has designed a highly intelligent unique system control software that assists in decision-making on the RAS farm. Water inlet, dead fish trap, and particle settling systems are also designed for easy and efficient operation on RAS farms.
Currently, three different pilot systems are under R&D operations in Lithuania intending to optimize our RAS design to be efficient and to reduce the production cost of salmonids by less than 3 euros/kg.
Together with UAB Noras LT, we have made a RAS farm that we produce Arctic Charr from Egg to more than 4 kg.